I downloaded this ISO image ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso to install on my PC later. My PC's CPU is an Intel i5, do I have the correct ISO image? Thanks in advance.

Ubuntu.si forum - Uradna spletna stran slovenske skupnosti Linux distribucije Ubuntu The Ubuntu Forums is the official forum for the Ubuntu operating system. As of December 2013, The Ubuntu Forums has 1,880,658 registered members and more than 2,000,670 threads. The Ubuntu Forums currently runs on the forum software vBulletin. Minuli četrtek smo dočakali “kozmično sipo” – novi Ubuntu 18.10. Poglejmo, s čim nas je tokrat razveselil Ubuntu in kje bomo imeli bolj dolge nosove. GNOME 3.30 Cosmic prinaša večino bombončkov GNOME 3.30, med katerimi so nove različice Koledarja, To Do, posnemovalnik GNOME Terminal, izboljšave pri Nastavitvah in celo pripomoček Our videos about: finanacing for development, world governance, reform of international institutions, currency transaction tax, human rights, gender, global

Ubuntu Touch biedt een compleet andere benadering voor het gebruik van uw smartphone of tablet dan voor het gebruik van andere reguliere besturingssystemen. Het besturingssysteem is gebouwd op Ubuntu , wat ons een veilig en stabiel basissysteem biedt voor miljoenen mensen op personal computers, servers, IoT-apparaten en zelfs het internationale

Dec 12, 2019 · The forum is available many other languages so if you don’t know English, it’s worth visiting this community. Currently, there are 948,502 posts from 36,219 community members. So it’s big enough for OpenSUSE users to find your distro specific solutions. Discussion of Ubuntu. After successfully installing 3 OS partitions on a multi-boot laptop with the 4th OS destroyed the GRUB multi-boot menu Ubuntu comes with full commercial support from Canonical and hundreds of companies from across the world Ubuntu provides the best translations and accessibility features that the free software community has to offer Ubuntu core applications are all free and open source. We want you to use free and open source software, improve it and pass it on. 2 reviews for Ubuntu Forums, 4.5 stars: 'I dual-booted 7 with Ubuntu, and it worked fine for a while. Then it suddenly broke my computer like, beyond repair and I didn't have any recovery CD's. But, the great support there spent 2 hours with me working on some stuff that fixed my computer :D They have EPIC customer support.'

The Ubuntu Forum Community Threads / Posts Last Post Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Choose the most appropriate category for your questions regarding Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Mythbuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Ubuntu Budgie and Ubuntu Kylin.

Posted 5/25/18 7:49 AM, 16 messages Naši članovi su poslali ukupno 247,341 poruka u 19,464 tema. Trenutno imamo 7,590 registrovanih članova. Molimo pozdravite našeg najnovijeg člana, yjumojyxi Najviše korisnika na vezi je bilo 3,517 dana 14.05.2020. u 12.43