Fix your DNS problems | Computerworld

Find the DNS host. Go to and search for your domain. In the search results, the section labeled Name Servers shows the location of your DNS host. If any of the following server names are listed in the Name Servers section for your domain, Rackspace is most likely your DNS host and can assist you with editing your DNS records. Fix your DNS problems | Computerworld Find out from your ISP or network administrator what your DNS settings are supposed to be, or check the OpenDNS site (or another DNS service) for their server settings. What are my DNS name servers? - SiteGround To find your SiteGround name servers you will need to access your User Area and go to My Accounts. In case you have more that one hosting account click on the Manage button next to the account whose DNS settings you need and navigate to Information & Settings . Command-line to list DNS servers used by my system - Ask On an Ubuntu Server 18.04, if you don't want to install anything extra like nm-tool, then systemd-resolve --status will work out of the box for DNS information. If you're interested getting not only your DNS servers, but also default gateway, IP address, network mask, etc, then netplan ip leases eth0 will give you all that information in an

My VMS box is (authorative)dns server for the local network. It's behind a router/firewall that will handle requests it cannot handle. In the firewall log I can see these requests. Within the network there not any trouble locating and accessing remote systems, so DNS works. But NSLOOK up doesn't: $ nslookup

To check the current nameservers for any domain name, you can use one of the many online whois tools available. For example: Find your username or password.) Select your domain name from the list to access the DNS Management page. Locate the NS records for your domain and take note of the values. There will always be two separate NS records, and you will need them both. Find the DNS host. Go to and search for your domain. In the search results, the section labeled Name Servers shows the location of your DNS host. If any of the following server names are listed in the Name Servers section for your domain, Rackspace is most likely your DNS host and can assist you with editing your DNS records.

Fix your DNS problems | Computerworld

Dec 06, 2013 · There is an art to explaining what others take for granted. Still I have one nagging question. In my IP phone configuration (not the router), I set the primary DNS server to my router address, the secondary to But it wants a “DNS Domain” described as “Enter the phone’s Domain Name System (DNS).” DNS servers are based on a recursive look up as you can see below. Below you can see XP forwarding the request to its DNS server. The DNS Server then recursively resolves the DNS request. Once it has the answer to the Clients request, it forwards the answer back to the client. A great tool for DNS troubleshooting is nslookup. Feb 19, 2017 · I have 3 KMS server listed in DNS record, but I don't know which one is one use. I know one is setup by ex engineer and my self setup 2, but for some reason, I believe only one is working. I am quite new to this KMS, I setup the kms the moment I need active cooperate company windows 10. May 08, 2020 · A TLD Server: The DNS resolver then queries this server, which will return the Authoritative Name Server where the site is actually returned. An Authoritative Name Server: Finally, the DNS resolver queries this server to learn the actual IP address of the website you're trying to deliver. Type 'ipconfig /all' at the command prompt, then press the 'Enter' key. Look for the field labeled 'DNS Servers.' The first address is the primary DNS server, and the next address is the secondary DNS server.