The logon name is not authorized to relay messages. Your logon credentials may be correct, but the email account is not authorized to relay messages through the SMTP server. For instance, for Gmail, you need to set your email account to Allow less secure apps (Setting Google Gmail as the SMTP Server for Total Access Emailer).

Jun 17, 2020 · SMTP server settings are only used to send mail from the address. To download and store incoming messages from an account, you'll need the settings for either a POP3 or IMAP account. Depending on which standard you use on your devices, enter either the POP server settings or the IMAP server settings. Oct 17, 2018 · telnet 587 The above command will connect your server with Gsuite smtp-relay service where you can telnet the required commands to it. Copy and Paste the commands as given This post tells you how to set up Gmail as an SMTP server for your gallery, including how to set things up when your Google account is configured with 2-factor authentication. Set up Gmail as your SMTP server. Of course first you need a Google account. Get one here. Now open web.config for your gallery and find the section. A little-known feature about Gmail and Google Apps email is Google's portable SMTP server. Instead of having to manage your own outgoing mail server on your LMS, you can simply configure Google's SMTP server settings in 'Mail Relay'. All you need is either a (i) free Gmail account or (ii) paid Google Apps account. Benefits Google's Gmail, a free web-based e-mail service, may be configured to send and receive e-mail using an e-mail client application. In order to use Gmail as a SMTP server, both the Gmail account and the e-mail client installed on the computer (such as Outlook) must be configured. Jun 29, 2018 · SMTP Settings for Popular Providers. When filling out the fields mentioned above, the settings you’ll need will depend on your email provider. Here are the SMTP settings you’ll need for the most popular email providers: Gmail / G Suite SMTP Settings. Host: Port: 587 (or 465 using SSL encryption)

I created a SMTP Virtual server for relay emails send by multiples machines in our infrastructure to Gmail SMTP. Our domain = global.corp. Email domain = ( fake , of course ). So all emails with a sender "" can be relay to the Gmail SMTP by this SMTP internal server , and we receives emails in our mailbox.

Jun 17, 2020 · SMTP server settings are only used to send mail from the address. To download and store incoming messages from an account, you'll need the settings for either a POP3 or IMAP account. Depending on which standard you use on your devices, enter either the POP server settings or the IMAP server settings. Oct 17, 2018 · telnet 587 The above command will connect your server with Gsuite smtp-relay service where you can telnet the required commands to it. Copy and Paste the commands as given This post tells you how to set up Gmail as an SMTP server for your gallery, including how to set things up when your Google account is configured with 2-factor authentication. Set up Gmail as your SMTP server. Of course first you need a Google account. Get one here. Now open web.config for your gallery and find the section.

TLS (includes SSL; Required authentication (that is, mail servers which are not open relay) TESTING SMTP SETUP USING TELNET. Important Note: When testing SMTP, it is very important to know that you cannot use backspace with SMTP commands.

Types of Accounts and their SMTP Settings Gmail is a FREE Web-based e-mail service provided by the IT giant Google. It is the most used email service with a whopping 1.2 Billion Active users as of Aug, 2017. Gmail Settings At first you need to turn on the less secure apps option in your Gmail account, otherwise you may not be able to send emails using your Gmail SMTP relay. Type the following URL in your browser and then log to your Gmail account to allow the less secure apps. May 27, 2020 · sudo nano /etc/postfix/ Scroll to the bottom to find the relayhost = option and set it to Gmail SMTP server. relayhost = []:587. We will be using the encrypted TLS connection for all the outgoing emails, hence the port number is set to 587. Oct 05, 2019 · After that, the Gmail SMTP settings should pop up on your screen. When they do, just enter the info you see above. In case you don’t see them, you’ll have to open your account settings and do Jul 17, 2020 · SMTP relay lets Microsoft 365 or Office 365 relay emails on your behalf by using a connector that's configured with your public IP address or a TLS certificate. Setting up a connector makes this a more complicated option. Settings for Microsoft 365 or Office 365 SMTP relay Next is to move to the Settings > Protocol > SMTP section as per screenshot below. Let’s move to the “Delivery of e-mail” tab to configure the number of retries and time between such retries. More importantly from here we can specify the Gmail SMTP settings: