2020-6-25 · Windows Task Scheduler. As mentioned in this answer prepare one start.bat file. Put this file where nginx.exe is present. Open windows task scheduler and set up the task as described in this answer to run it indefinitely. Do not forget to run this task as the highest privilege with the system account, more details can be found here.

Using Advanced Run from Nirsoft. AdvancedRun is a simple tool for Windows that allows you to run a program with different settings that you choose, including – low or high priority, start directory, main window state (Minimized/Maximized), run the program with different user or permissions, Operating system compatibility settings, and environment variables. service . service will install / un-install, start / stop, and run a program as a service (daemon). Currently supports Windows XP+, Linux/(systemd | Upstart | SysV), and OSX/Launchd. Windows controls services by setting up callbacks that is non-trivial. This is very different then other systems. If you don't have Apache installed as a service, the window will remain visible until you stop Apache by pressing Control-C in the console window where Apache is running in. The server will exit in a few seconds. However, if you do have Apache installed as a service, the shortcut starts the service. Run the GoToAssist Corporate Customer software as a service. In the HelpAlert Viewer, select System > Run as a Service from the menu. Note: If Run as a Service is grayed out, then the software may already be running as a service or the feature may not be enabled on your account. Click Yes to confirm when prompted. See the section below for details on stopping the service via the command line or through the Windows Service Manager. Specifying additional options By default, installing SABnzbd as a service (as detailed in step 4 of the above installation instructions) will cause it to run using the same settings used by the SABnzbd web interface on your system. Run MongoDB Community Edition as a Windows Service ¶ Starting in version 4.0, you can install and configure MongoDB as a Windows Service during the install, and the MongoDB service is started upon successful installation. MongoDB is configured using the configuration file \bin\mongod.cfg. For Windows servers, this means configuring Jira to run as a Windows service. Running Jira as a Windows service has other advantages. When started manually, a console window opens, and there is a risk of someone accidentally shutting down Jira by closing this window. Also, the Jira logs are properly managed by the Windows service (found in logs

Oct 29, 2012 · UWS (Universal Windows Service) is a wrapper to run arbitrary applications as a windows service. It extends functionality of Task Scheduler by more flexible start-triggers (e.g. cron job), monitoring (e.g. for crashes), etc. UWS provides also a SDK. Yet Another Java Service Wrapper

2020-7-19 · This stops the controller so you can install the service. Creating the Windows Service. Once the controller software is installed, it will only work if someone is logged in. To force it to run all of the time, you need to set it up to run as a Windows service. But … microsoft office click-to-run (sxs)在后台占用大量 … 请按Windows+R输入services.msc打开之后检查一下是否有Microsoft Office clicktorun service ,请右键停止是否正常呢? 希望以上的信息可以帮助到您。 我不是微软员工,也不在社区工作。即使您不同意我的观点,也请保持开放和包容的心态参与讨论,并

Example: Run RealTimeSync on Windows login Create a new shortcut, enter the command line from above as target and place it into the Windows autostart folder. (Enter shell:startup in the Windows Explorer address bar to find the folder quickly.) Example: Start RealTimeSync as a Service

Mar 29, 2019 · In .NET Core 3.0 we are introducing a new type of application template called Worker Service. This template is intended to give you a starting point for writing long running services in .NET Core. In this walkthrough we will create a worker and run it as a Windows Service. The host of the service is a domain computer. It is running under Windows 10 1803, latest qBitTorrent (4.1.1). As for the config files, if I run QBT manually from a session opened with the same user as the service, the web interface run ok. The problem occur if I run the app while the service is running.