Dec 23, 2018

The –mas in Xmas comes from the Old English word for mass, as in a church service, especially one in the Roman Catholic Church including a celebration of the Eucharist. That word, mæsse, is believed to have been derived from Church Latin missa, ultimately from Latin mittere which means “to send (away).” Decorating - My Christmas More information about them throughout this blog post. 17 July, 2019; 5 min read; Read more. Sign up to our mailing list to win! To celebrate Christmas in July we are giving away 4 storage gift packs valued at $95 for those who join our mailing list in July. The storage gift pack comes with: Xmas | Craft Inspiration - The Craft Blog

Christmas Spirit - Celebrating Yuletide All Year Long

It will become a new yr present not a xmas prezzie!!! Arghhh…..!!!!!:!:!:! Calm down…. At least he still doesnt know what the gift is yet, so maybe it will surprise him! ^.^ Cant wait to see his reaction when he receives it ahhhahahaajahhssh. I think it will be the best gift i have ever chosen for him. Ahahhahahahahahaha

Nov 05, 2014 · And that ends my final post for this Holiday Season on my Christmas Blog!!! It was a great Holiday Season where I decorated to my heart's content, entertained both friends and family, got to cross a few things off my annual Christmas Bucket List and just enjoyed the entire Season without having to worry about working for the first time in 41 Christmas is probably my favorite holiday with my family, and I love to celebrate by decorating and making crafts! I don't know how to pick my favorites! Recent Christmas Blog Posts 4 Advent intentions: Forgiveness, encounter, service and prayer Iván Díaz, November 19, 2019 The end of the year is here, and Christmas preparations are everywhere. We see decorations, lights, trees, nativity scenes and m Read this post 3 Songs to prepare your choir for the new liturgical year Dec 12, 2019 · Your Christmas photos are truly something special. They are some of the happiest, brightest and most festive photos you’ll take all year and you need layout that does them jolly justice. This year, try a Christmas scrapbook layout that brings the seasonal spirit of your photos to life in marvelously merry ways. Check it out below!